Pulsing Xenia not opening


New member
I just got this beautiful pulsing Xenia from wildbill and it was opening until today. Now it looks kind of shriveled.

Params are all ok and temp is 78. Did a 15% water change just in case. Any pointers? Low lights? Less current?

Any advice is appreciated.

For me, it was always medium to high light under my leds. Xenias are pretty hardy and considered weeds because of how fast they can take over. If your xenias aren't doing well, check all your water parameters. Xenias need something really wrong to mess them up besides light.
Are your levels too perfect? Because I've had a friend get his phos and nitrate down to near 0 and try started to die off and disappear
I would say the issue is lighting.

I had some in a 10 gallon with one par 38 bulb. They pulsed like crazy directly under the beam of the light. I moved them off to the side where the light was minimal, and they stopped pulsing.

That's my guess.
drip them a lil iodine in the water I had some that completely died all cept a lil baby stalk then I was told that I should "spot feed them a lil iodine (logouls solituin) and they grew so much that they became a nusance and eventually nuked my tank ... but .. yea iodine
If they start to melt take them out, they are not good to let perish in your tank, the rest of your tank will never forgive you...
I disagree with the flow. I have my xenias in the 20g blasted by my turtle 25 and they're thriving. The only time I see them shriveled up is at night with no lights.

Whaaat? How dare you I'm Rick James BIATCH, j/k lol. I don't know but every time I put them in med to high flow they close up on me
I will try a lower light location. If that doesn't work then maybe we can organize a prayer circle...

Not too keen on dosing iodine if I can't test for it.

Will post progress.