New member
With my upcoming trip and my tank looking better than ever, I had decided a while ago to pick up a new underwater point and shoot camera. Mainly for vacations coming up and for taking shots of my tank.
I finally narrowed it down to the Panasonic Lumix TS5 or the Nikon AW110.
Link to the Nikon -
Link to the Panasonic
I've looked at reviews and they are 50/50 really. I thought I would see if anybody on here has used either and had some feedback since most of you are probably the users closest to what I would be using it for. Mainly as a vacation point and shoot and also as an underwater video, photo and macro camera.
I finally narrowed it down to the Panasonic Lumix TS5 or the Nikon AW110.
Link to the Nikon -
Link to the Panasonic
I've looked at reviews and they are 50/50 really. I thought I would see if anybody on here has used either and had some feedback since most of you are probably the users closest to what I would be using it for. Mainly as a vacation point and shoot and also as an underwater video, photo and macro camera.