Quarantine Tank


No, I'm not a communist..
I'll be getting a quarantine tank setup soon for my new fishes. I don't plan on getting fancy, just a basic 20G with an Aquaclear HOB filter. I'll put the filter sponge from the HOB in my 90's sump so it will have all the juicy bacteria on it and be ready to go.

One of things I'm curious about is what others are doing with their QT's. Do you leave the water alone and wait to treat until you see an outbreak or do you treat everything from day one? I'm going to treat all the new arrivals since many parasites including ich can be hidden from the naked eye. I'm also undecided about using copper or a hyposalinity treatment. They're the only 2 methods I'm aware of that kill ich 100% of the time. I'm not a huge fan of copper because it can distress fish (however, I have used it and it obviously works), but I've never done a hyposalinity treatment either and it makes me a little nervous...What are you'se guys doin'?
I'm not a big fan of treating without a reason. I would leave fish in QT until they have been healthy for 30 days. Treat as problems develope.
+1. You could end up killing a perfectly healthy fish by dumping chemicals in the tank for no reason.

That's why I'm intriqued about the hyposalinity treatment. Also, don't you think that it's extremely possible that you can keep an apparently healthy fish in QT for 30 days while it is carrying ich in it's gills or other parasites that are not visible to the eye?
I'm going to be getting a few new fish (small reef fish) and was thinking about setting up a quarantine tank. I have an extra 10 gallon tank that I was thinking about using. Any suggestion what else I will need. I've never qt fish before but I figure it would be good idea since I don't want my current fish to catch anything.

Just the filter and I like to use a PVC elbow or any other material for hiding to make the fish feel more comfy.
I also have a 10g quarantine tank if you want something simple a HOB filter a heater and a piece of dry rock would do the job
I also have a 10g quarantine tank if you want something simple a HOB filter a heater and a piece of dry rock would do the job

Are you guys using any special media in the HOBs or just the stocked filter pads? Also are you just adding sw and getting up to temp then you're ready to go?

im setting up one as well.. whats the minimum size tank for a qt?.. I just have a 10g tank, heater, aquaclear and some lr.. Is it a good id to use LR on a qt tank?

don't forget an air stone and air pump.

oh ok so if i got it right..

all u need is 10 g tank
hob filter
air stone and air pump
LR or Dry rock..

can u just use regular pc lighting or do u need some special lighting?
I wouldn't use any LR/Dry rock in a QT tank, just some nice 3" or 4" pvc pipe fittings and cutoffs to provide hiding places.
I don't even use a light... it just gets sunlight from the window. but you got it right:
tank (with a lid for jumpers)
pvc pipes
HOB filber (optional)

With no biological filtration just watch ammonia/nitrates and do a water change when detected.