rbta not bubbling


I picked up an RBTA from a fellow local reefer. It opened up right away and looked really good. After two weeks it doesnt have the bubbly tips...just straight tips. It gets frozen brine shrimp several times a week. Water params. looked good.calc 350, alk 200 ish, ph 8.0. on the bottom of the tank, think it needs more light...it's on the bottom of the tank.
Only one clown of the two pairs in the tank took to the nem - Clarkii's and Oscellaris.
Any suggestions???
I heard that sometimes when clowns host a nem they stop doing that, I don't know if there is any truth behind that but I wanted to throw that out there.
not a whole lot of flow in the spot it stuck. do these guys not move to get comfortable like the haitian that made my tank its b&%^$.
I heard that sometimes when clowns host a nem they stop doing that, I don't know if there is any truth behind that but I wanted to throw that out there.

Not true!!! My clowns host this RBTA all day long and have seen other tanks the same way.. Now clowns will change in color for some odd reason..



No one really knows why the bubbling happens or goes away.. Many have said because of flow, light and water conditions.. Who knows!!

This is in my 75gal and its not bubbling, but I'm happy that it looks healthy and BIG


Might just be the BTA strain :rolleyes:
Naw btas are happy when the tenticles are stringy . Happends over time .. have 5 different btas...all of witch are like that ....2 of them do both .. back n forth..
Mine became more "Bubbly" with increased light. It seemed to like it near the top of the tank as close as it could get to the lights.
There's no general rule for what exactly makes nems bubble up or not. Some say its flow, some say light, some say that they extend their tentacles when they want food.

I had a nem that lost its bubbles after a power outage, where it lost light and flow for about 8 hours, and it took WEEKS of feeding and maneuvering to make it bubble up again.