

New member
Hello again, ChicagoReefs!

I had started into the hobby at the end of 2012 and have just recently reworked my Innovative Marine Mini-38 All-In-One tank. Currently, the fish inhabitants are two Clownfish, a McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, a Coral Goby, and a Yellow Assessor (she is shy and doesn't like to have her picture taken). The coral inhabitants are a mix including A Tyree's Neon Green Toadstool, a branching green hammer coral, some SPS (orange digi monti, monti plates, etc.), several different zoos/paly's, three different acans, and a nice clam.

Flow is provided by two Tunze Turbelle Nanostream 6055s controlled by a 7096 Wavecontroller. Lighting is currently provided by two actinic and one white Skyye LED strip lights on top of the tank.

I am looking to setup a mini-refugium (and I mean mini) in the back of the sump, so if anyone has some chaeto that I could purchase from them, I would be interested. I only initially need a palm-sized lot, by my calculations.

Thanks for being a great local resource and I'm looking forward to being more active on the forum as time permits.


Jim Cook
Welomce aboard Jim. Nice setup! Hopefully there will be someone closer to you with some free cheato. I'm way too far.
Thanks, much! :)

The setup is like my life - in a state of constant, developmental, mostly positive change.

Clean looking tank. Sorry i dont use cheato just calurpa im sure somebidy has cheato people give it away all the time on here
A big thanks to Jason for the chaeto as well as the bonus frags! Give the 'little monkey' five for me and I am looking forward to seeing how your main tank project shapes up.


Will do Jim. Not sure i speak monkey..or maybe they just dont listen to for the well wishes on the build!
Sweet setup Jim. Is that a purple monti?

Thank you. It is a purple monti, although it's swirled with an orange monti (not super evident from the front view). Once I hit 25 posts, that little setup goes up on the for trade section, as it's a sweet mixed plate that isn't currently ideal for my tank.
