Receiving lrg red haddoni !! Need acclimation tips??


New member
I been In hobby for last 7 years and have kept several bubble tips over the years current tank is 72x33x27 lightly stocked with anthias wrasses and couple clowns and couple tangs ....
Few Sps Lps and softies rock work is mainly on right side of the tank and got an open area on left side giving my fishes open water to swim ...I just purchased a lrg haddoni last night which I might receive it next week ....
Need acclimation tips please how to deal with this big animal
I am running 3x400 watts of halides( old school ) and have roughly about 4" deep sand bed
Tank is been running since last April ...
Just your usual drip acclimation will do it fine. Once acclimated, u just drop it on your sandbed and let it find its sweet spot on the sand. You will probably need to move your sand corals to give it room to roam and not sting the other corals
My dad got a green haddoni a few weeks ago. Start it on the sand bed, next to the base of the rockwork. If you're somewhat lucky, it should stay put. A word of advice: wear gloves. Haddonis sting like no other nem I've encountered. My dad's stung my hand, and it took a week for my hand to heal! Ouch....