Recommendations - where to buy new 125 starfire

Dean D

New member
Hello fellow Chicago reefers:
Can I get a few recommendations on who / where I can purchase a new 125 gal (standard size) custom build with these specifics:
1. Starfire glass. (front panel mandatory - other panels optional depending on up-charge).
2. Standard bracing ok. (does not need to be rimless or euro-bracing)
3. Additionally, I would love to have a ghost overflow pre plumed with bean animal overflow system, if at all possible.

I am surprised with how few options my google searches have yielded.
I am finding that many manufacturers require that such requests be submitted by LFS.:hmmmm2: is an option, but they have mixed reviews on Reef Central, and I am a little hesitant to utilize their services due to some really poor experiences.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
if you want mediocre build quality with incredibly bad customer service, I highly recommend GlassCages......
Totally agree about glass cages bought two 75 gallon tanks both leaked from the bottom in less than 6 months