Red hornet question?


Premium member
I just recieved my order from PZ and noticed the red hornets have a solid red skirt insted of alternating black red when i asked him about it he said they are the real deal. So my question is which is the real deal, and why the difference. everything else i ordered looks great. just wondering about the hornets. Thanks
Should always check local before ordering. I myself have like 40diff znp and there are plenty others in the zoa mafia as well as local venders.. always good to see in person before buying .. lmk ifyour looking for anything else ..
I just got my order from planetzoa and couldnt be happier. the red hornets have a faint alternating skirt which probably will come out in different lighting. its not black it more of a purple. but either way should have an alternating color of some sort.
If you can find a deal jump for it. I paid $30 for 6 heads.. Now that was a deal, but wouldn't by more than $10 pp.. Some might thing I'm!!!
so whats with the ones with the solid red skirt, has them for $75 for 3 polips.
And if you cant trust PZ to get the real deal thats sad.