reducing nutrients


New member
I was wondering what people thought about using "weed" coral like xenia and Kenya trees in a refugium to reduce nutrients. I figured the way they grow you could have a whole refugium with xenia and chaeto so as to have no nuts for sps. just a thought, what do you think. and yes I know lots hate them.
Well one thing is Xenia is also poisonous and can take out the entire tank when something goes wrong
better off using clams if you want to do something like that, xenia doesnt really uptake nutrients other than iron/iodine
I had read that they were a filter feeder just like clams. and I know people have xenia meltdown and things of that nature. it was just a thought.
Xenia can Def crash a tank.... Like it did to mine. I burn it all. Screw that stuff
carbon dosing needs to be approached with caution, depending on exactly what you have it can cause a cyano bloom or worse.
I have to discourage using vinegar for the simple reason that is makes you pH drop extremely fast!!! I have a pH probe on my ReefKeeper elite and when I used to dose vinegar it dropped like a rock! It is to acidic to put in your tank. I carbon dose Vodka, 10 drops a day and it has no negative effects. I started with 5 drops and kept adding more until i saw an white algae bloom. After you dial in how much you need to keep a super-saturated bacterial level in your tank your nutrients will be nil.