Reef Neglect

Top Water

New member
Well going to try to do some catch up today . Been working so much tanks are paying the price . Lost a couple SPS fall overs in the sand and don't even care I have no clue of parameters haven't checked anything in the longest time . Can't see through glass time for razor blade. All in all things look great considering I haven't done anything other than toss in some fish food and top off water. Think I'm going to have to scale back a little more.
Oh yeah---been there--done that. Sometimes when you change things up----it can go good or can go bad. I already miss my fowler/zoa set up.....:gym:
It happened to me not long ago, lost complete interest in it, life got busy, work, family. I sold all of my corals and some fish, keep it very simple now, few fish and LR with some easy corals that I could not get of LR. What a difference for me, I don't feel like I have to work extra to maintain it, starting to enjoy it again.
I think leaving your tank alone is good for it sometimes. I went on a ten day vacation about a month ago and when I came home, my corals looked great. Tank looked dirty, but healthy.

I have my tank set up so I don't have to mess with it too much. I have a huge ATO tank that does my kalk dosing. My biopellets and gfo hardly ever need to be messed with. I don't dose anything except acropower if/when I remember. I just feed daily, clean the glass and skimmer weekly, and do water changes every three weeks. I spend a lot of time just staring into my tank. It's those big all-day projects like aquascaping or plumbing that burn me out.
i've been in the same boat also.. work, pregnant wife, family, dogs got me busy and neglected my tank for a little bit but like everyone else i think not touching the tank for a little bit does good for the tank.. Also automating the tank helps out a bunch also if u decide going for long stretches without doing a water change. Ato, dowers, controllers, and a automated feeders goes a long way..