reef ready tank.overflow chamber "need help"


New member
hello everyone ,I bought an used 140 gal tank and today I was filling up the tank so I clean the tank.i notice water was coming thru the bottom of the overflow into chamber I was able to fix it with silicone but I have question.WHEN I SHUT THE POWER OF THE MAIN PUMP AND WATER DRAINS FROM THE OVERFLOW BOX EMPTY INTO MT REFUGIUM, WILL THE PRESSURE CONTINUE TO FILL THE CHAMBER AND OVER SPILL WATER OUT OF MY REFUGIUM?????I WHOULD THINK SO........
do u have pictures ? on most overflows theres a stand pipe that the water drains thru , so as long as you have enough room in sump you are fine . pics will help since there are many diff kinds of overflows and ways to solve these issues . btw congrats on the new tank !
What was leaking? How are your bulkhead seals? Water Gould only be draining through your pipes and once it gets below said drain level, it should stop. If you have a leaking bulkhead that's a problem.
I don't have the durso or any plumbing connected.I was only filling the tank area and I saw the water passing thru the silicone to the chamber.I just put silicone and stop.. upper left corner of the overflow....
So Is water leaking from the display into the bottom of the overflow? If so I don't think that's a big deal, you just don't want it leaking through the bottom of the tank into your sump once your bulkheads and pipes are hooked up
If your sump is large enough to accommodate enough water that the level falls below your drain pipe you're fine
There should be no water going into the overflows other than the teeth on top of the overflow boxes. You will end up with a pool of water on your floor if you don't fix it right.
Yes re-silicone the overflow. As Latinreefer said, if you're bulkheads ever gave and started leaking you would wind up dumping a lot more water into the sump/onto the floor than if it were sealed properly.
If you can, try to take the old silicone out both in and out. Re-silicone again and test...Make sure use a good silicone for aquarium.