Refugium Design


New member
I have decided to add a Refugium to my setup. Currently I have a 60 Gal Display and a Eshopps AZU-100 Sump. I don't have any room in the stand or sump for a Refugium so I plan to plumb it off to the side in a separate cabinet so the light would be alternate to the display lighting and much more room to work with. This is about as much as I have figured out so far as I'm still learning this hobby.
I was thinking of either a standard 10 gal aquarium or going with this then teeing off my return to the Fuge and using gravity back to the return section of the sump.
Then where I am at a complete loss is should I use mud, sand or both, what else should be in it other than chaeto and what kind of LED light is suggested.