Remote refugium pump help.


New member
Hey all. Looking for some advice. I'm wanting to tie a 40b into my main tank/sump.

Right now I have a 125g 6ft with a DIY 50g sump. Sump is broken into 3 chambers. Sock filter, skimmer and heater/ Return / refugium.

I'm wanting to tie in a 40b in another room. The wall my display is on backs up to my utility room. I have built a table with my water change station below. I want to install the 40b on top of the table and plumb it through the wall and into the sump. Ill divide the 40 into 2 chambers. One side the fuge, the other a 15g chamber for water changes.

I plan on drilling it for an overflow. I would install a pump from the sock area of the sump to push water from there to the 40. Here's where I need advice. It'll be about 6 feet up and 8 feet over. What kind of turnover would I need?
A fuge doesn't need much turnover, actually the more dwell time there is in the fuge, the better it can do its job. What I have always had issues with low flow in a fuge is cyano, so I actually have a MJ400 in the fuge for flow. I'm sure some of the smaller Mags could overcome the head. Is there any way to just T off the return you have right now?
Here's something to consider, I use an Eheim 1260 to pump water (for water changes) up the stairs from the basement, at a stair angle just over 8'. Pump does pretty well, generally takes 3-4 minutes to move about 25 gallons. I would also add a ball valve or similar on your return line.
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A fuge doesn't need much turnover, actually the more dwell time there is in the fuge, the better it can do its job. What I have always had issues with low flow in a fuge is cyano, so I actually have a MJ400 in the fuge for flow. I'm sure some of the smaller Mags could overcome the head. Is there any way to just T off the return you have right now?

I have a carbon/gfo reactor teed off my return now plus a small feed to my current fuge because I'm lacking flow. Had a cyno outbreak there. Don't think there's much left in the current pump.
Here's something to consider, I use an Eheim 1260 to pump water (for water changes) up the stairs from the basement, at a stair angle just over 8'. Pump does pretty well, generally takes 3-4 minutes to move about 25 gallons. I would also add a ball valve or similar on your return line.

Thought about the 1260, but it seemed too big/much for a fuge even throttled down. Will give it a second look.
Thought about the 1260, but it seemed too big/much for a fuge even throttled down. Will give it a second look.

My thoughts, were primarily getting the water to your fuge, with some push / power left. You mentioned 14', and six feet up.