Removing toadstool from rock


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Hey guys I have a huge toadstool that is taking up precious real estate. The whole one side of the toadstools stem has grown onto the rock. Can I just peel the whole thing off. I know you can cut them up but what about while its in the water. I've read before they can nuke the tank with there slime. Any one ever done this before? I'm just more concerned about the other corals. I want to just peel the sucker off so I can get more sticks
I don't think it'll be easy to peel it off, especially since you mention that it's huge. You may have to get a razor blade or scalpel to scrape/cut it off. Good luck, and run some carbon while and after removing it.

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You can rip of rock but if any left it will grow back on rock . It will also slim a ton of snot in you tank that could be very bad .
That's what I'm worried about all the slime it will create. I peeled a small piece of the stem off the rock. It left some behind so I stopped. I think I will tear a little bit every day.. ha.
What if you sliced the top off of the toadstool, the you might be better able to see and work on removg the rest.
I can see pretty well under the top of it. I would be nervous about cutting the whole thing. That stem is damn thick
If intrested i have 2 big peaces of live rock i can trade you for the toadstool

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Thank you for the offer but I still want to keep it just move it somewhere else in the tank. Ive had the sucker for over 3 years.
Well just peeled back some more of that sucker. Hand smells like shiiitt haha. Looks Damn pissed and shriveled the hell up. Praying this thing wont screw anything up. It's been 30 min and everything thing still opened up and have there polyps out. So excited to have all that rock exposed. Wife is pissed though. Oh well.

Id just get it done in one quick rip. Like a band aid.

Rather than it sliming everyday for however many days it will take.

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Finally got this thing outa there. That opened up a lot of room! Hopefully I can get this tank running right.

Stuck it in the corner
