Replacing LEDs - Half of mine do not work?


Premium member
So I'm hoping someone here has tried to replace LED's before (single ones without heat sync)..

I have a IT2060 grow light that I am in need of changing some of the LED spectrums and after soldering them on, half of them do not work. Anyone have experience in this and have any idea what I may be doing incorrectly?


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Did they work be for you swapped leds

Do you have a volt meter?

Are all diodes good? One bad one will ruin whole channel. They are in series if ones bad will kill whole line

Are you sure they are on correctly as there is a wrong way of putting them on.

I have the 2040 and have swapped leds a few time.
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I've replaced a ton of these. You probably have the +/- signs wrong? There is a tiny "-" sign on one side of the diode. You might also have a burnt out diode. If that is the case, you can put a small piece of wire on both sides of each diode, one at a time, until the channel lights up. They you've found your bad diode.....replace it.
Neg and pos are correct and I removed a working LeD and put it in another area and it didn't work. I'll check again to make sure though