

New member
Since I only learned about Reef tanks like 4 days ago and promtly became obsessed I've been reading and researching nonstop. Other than this forum which has already been incredibly friendly and helpful what are some other good resources out there for beginners? Books, videos, websites...anything! Lots of stuff I've found seems to be conflicting so I wanted to ask all of you. is like the conservative bible for reefers. Have it on your phone when you go into an LFS. Always chek to see if our sponsors have it cheaper. The home page is basically a list of really good vendors.

google marine hitchhiker
use the search function on this and any other forums

remember that "the only stupid question is the one left unasked" (even if some jerks tell you it's a dumb question)
and remember that only terrible things happen fast in this hobby.

Welcome and enjoy the ride.
There are so many good sources of information, and since you've been reading up on things, that's a good sign. As much fun as this hobby is, and as obscenely addictive as it is, you're going to be so much more successful if you don't mind doing research or at least asking the right questions. There are other successful approaches, but if you like the reading, then great! Personally, I really appreciated the following books, and apart from this forum there are other online sources too. Buy a book or two though, you will be glad you did! Here are a couple I can't help but recommend|

Bob Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists"


Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History"

They might be older publications, but they are still relevant and great books. There are many more out there of course!

Wet Web Media is a great site, if a bit confusing to navigate through. Like I keep saying, though, there are several! Welcome though, I'm glad you found Chicago Reefs! Clearly the best of the sites... Just saying...
Julian Sprung's The Reef Aquarium book series. These books have been the bible for reef aquariums since the 1990s. By far the best resource out there!
Coral magazine also has pretty good articles and they are available for your mobile devices.

+1 on the Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History", I also have this book.