Returning to the reef


New member
Hi Everyone,

I am returning to the hobby after a 15 year absence. Previously, I had a 150 gallon reef using a jaubert live sand bed, skimmer and a 400 watt metal halide mounted to a light rail. That tank was very successful - my sinularia and toadstools were the size of dinner plates and even my the few SPS I kept spread to the walls and branched well.

That was all before marriage and kids. Now, I am starting back with a micro 10 gal reef using my older equipment. This time I have 4, 24 watt T5s and running a CPR bak pak skimmer. This tank has been up and running for the past 2 months. Here are a few pics (taken with my phone):
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As you can tell, I couldnt help myself and have fragged the toadstool. :)
In with the mushrooms were some zoas that I moved out as well.
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I plan to keep this tank focused on Soft corals, Mushrooms and zoas.

If there are any suggestions, thoughts or comments please let me know.

BTW: I am quickly recalling how addicting this hobby can be - I am in the in process of setting up a 40 gal reef next!

Finally, If anyone in the Palatine area has any soft corals that they no longer want (or need the space) at a good price - please let me know.

Thanks in advance,
Hello and welcome to the site....glad to have you aboard.

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Hey Mike welcome back into the hobby. I have a lot of huge Purple/blue metallic hairy rhodactis mushrooms for sale. If your interested let me know I'm in Arlington heights
Welcome back to the hobby. I also live in Palatine and have quite a few zoas that I am considering parting with since my angel has gotten picky with them. I also have some Kenya Trees I will give you for free. If your interested shoot me a PM