review of JBWave controller


I bought it and hooked it up to a arduino buono i bought from ebay, programmed it and configured to my two WP40's in my 90. I have to say its worth the money. I got a awesome flow and great control of the pumps. ill post a picture when i get home. This is for controlling 2 wp40's and i think the other pumps too.

sorry for the late pics. i made a exclosure out of a plastic pen box. you change the setting by hooking up a pc or laptop to the usb and using their program to change settings.

Looks good, I have an arduino controller controlling the rapid LEDS retrofit in my gf's nanocube. Might have to do this for my wp's.

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i have to say i almost killed all my fish with this dang thing. Last friday night i feed my fish and unplugged my skimmer, then went to bed. the jbwave has a night mode and i guess it was set too low and my tank o2 dropped so low all my fish were dying from oxygen depletion. i jack both og my wp40's to max else, plugged in my skimmer and turned on the lights. my OG fish made it and the new fish (less than 3 years old) died. I lost a sixline wrasse, dwarf lionfish, and green spotted puffer. So watch out and say no to the nightman.