Active member

Mon - Fri: 12:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Sat: 11:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sun: 11:00 pm - 4:00 pm
510 Pennsylvania Ave.
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Phone (630) 935-1363
Email dswiss101@Hotmail.com
We are happy to be the Featured Local Fish Store(LFS) on Chicago Reefs this month!
It all started with my fish obsession as a child. I always had a freshwater fish tank, and would ride my bicycle around looking for aquarium shops. There were a few cool ones within 15 minutes of where I lived, near The Dog Stop in Chicago and would visit them regularly. One day I remember clearly was when I saw a couple lionfish, sea apple, and coral banded shrimp, and was amazed. From that day on those images were imprinted in my head. I would use yellow pages and other resources to try to find any local fish stores and would alway be on the lookout for any shops with fish. Unfortunately saltwater was still harder to maintain at the time, but did get some enjoyment watching assortment of entertaining damsels, clownfish, puffer, and clown trigger at my next door neighbor friends dads tank.
About 20 Years ago, I was ready to do saltwater reef. I had hit every single local bookstore and library for any new saltwater books with more information. I ended up setting up a 20 Gallon High tank, with an in tank wooden airstone Lee skimmer, hang on the back filter power filter, and extra powerhead. Got the tank going with 2lbs of live rock and 1 ocellaris clownfish. My clownfish was the most amazing fish in the world and I finally had the fish I had looked forward to! Soon after slowly added more rock, royal gramma, an assortment of corals including bubble, colt, and zoas. Everything did great and soon after got a 125gallon with metal halides and things exploded. I started working at a fish store at 16, and have worked at several stores and wholesalers since and have been doing residential and commercial tank service up until a few years ago.
As a few of you may know, Aquapros retail store started in an even smaller commercial space in the back part of 500 Pennsylvania Ave building which was originally Glen Ellyns City Hall. Customers always wondered why the unusual layout inside the building. A couple years ago we moved into the old Glen Ellyn Fire Department detached building behind 500 Pennsylvania and it allowed us some more room and a little more exposure. This building was originally Glen Ellyns Fire Department, but the new F.D. building is next door just east. There is a public parking lot with free 3 hour parking inbetween us and the firestation. We also have free private parking right by the door, for easy loading on those cold days. We look to forward to expanding in different directions soon.
Our goal here at Aquapros, is to get our customers the most desirable livestock coming through the U.S. We want to provide our customers the best variety of the best quality, and most amazing colored/desirable corals, fish, and inverts that can be collected. Once we get them, we want to make sure each each animal is kept in optimal conditions and has potential to grow to be big and strong! We pride ourselves in the quality and health of our livestock. We understand all the animals have different needs and they are treated that way here. We culture a lot of our own coral including zoas,sps,softies and others, and we will keep expanding our selection. We are always bringing in new, different, exciting corals, fish, and inverts! We share most of our new arrivals on Chicago Reefs, so make sure to follow us for updates!
Different light/flow/conditions are given for different animals to ensure their health. Our setup consists of many seperate systems/conditions for many reasons. Keeping things quarantined is one. We use several methods/steps for our fish and corals. New incoming fish are kept seperated, and given preventative dips, and system is only medicated if showing any signs of illness. There is no one medication for everything and some parasites can stay dormant with hyposalinty. Keeping them at salt level of 1.020-1.021 our customers dont need a 4 hour or more acclimation. After a couple weeks, they are moved into a UV only system at regular salt level, where they are further observed. Once fish are moved large water change or 100% is done, and chemically filtered and ready for new fish. Corals also go through a quarantine process using different procedures. Everything incoming is dipped and observed, and corals moved from one system to another, they are dipped to make sure nothing is being spread around. The glass tanks allow us to closely view and see any potential concerns or ideas for better placement. We seem to learn something new almost every day and always see something different!
We stock a growing selection of drygoods, most items have proven to work for us. Most of our additives/dosing supplies are food grade and/or best quality we can find. We gladly will explain instructions and answer questions and give opinions on different products. Our pricing is very competitive and we want to know our customers are getting the best deal possible and all this locally! Ask to be signed up on our mailing list to be the first to be informed when new items arrive and when manufacturers have new releases or special sales/rebates. We have accounts with nearly all manufacturers, and can special order anything you need at a great price! We will soon begin shipping our products so stay tuned!
We do aquarium installs, service, and regular visits. Call us if you want it done right and see noticeable results! We have many long-term customers, and new ones regularly. We want to make sure you dont learn by costly mistakes. We've (almost) seen it all, and have the ideas to make things better. We also have access to all the hard-to-find fish/corals that will truely make it your show tank! We work hard to provide our customers the best!
Thanks for viewing and see you soon!
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137
Phone (630) 935-1363
Email dswiss101@Hotmail.com

We are happy to be the Featured Local Fish Store(LFS) on Chicago Reefs this month!
It all started with my fish obsession as a child. I always had a freshwater fish tank, and would ride my bicycle around looking for aquarium shops. There were a few cool ones within 15 minutes of where I lived, near The Dog Stop in Chicago and would visit them regularly. One day I remember clearly was when I saw a couple lionfish, sea apple, and coral banded shrimp, and was amazed. From that day on those images were imprinted in my head. I would use yellow pages and other resources to try to find any local fish stores and would alway be on the lookout for any shops with fish. Unfortunately saltwater was still harder to maintain at the time, but did get some enjoyment watching assortment of entertaining damsels, clownfish, puffer, and clown trigger at my next door neighbor friends dads tank.

About 20 Years ago, I was ready to do saltwater reef. I had hit every single local bookstore and library for any new saltwater books with more information. I ended up setting up a 20 Gallon High tank, with an in tank wooden airstone Lee skimmer, hang on the back filter power filter, and extra powerhead. Got the tank going with 2lbs of live rock and 1 ocellaris clownfish. My clownfish was the most amazing fish in the world and I finally had the fish I had looked forward to! Soon after slowly added more rock, royal gramma, an assortment of corals including bubble, colt, and zoas. Everything did great and soon after got a 125gallon with metal halides and things exploded. I started working at a fish store at 16, and have worked at several stores and wholesalers since and have been doing residential and commercial tank service up until a few years ago.

As a few of you may know, Aquapros retail store started in an even smaller commercial space in the back part of 500 Pennsylvania Ave building which was originally Glen Ellyns City Hall. Customers always wondered why the unusual layout inside the building. A couple years ago we moved into the old Glen Ellyn Fire Department detached building behind 500 Pennsylvania and it allowed us some more room and a little more exposure. This building was originally Glen Ellyns Fire Department, but the new F.D. building is next door just east. There is a public parking lot with free 3 hour parking inbetween us and the firestation. We also have free private parking right by the door, for easy loading on those cold days. We look to forward to expanding in different directions soon.

Our goal here at Aquapros, is to get our customers the most desirable livestock coming through the U.S. We want to provide our customers the best variety of the best quality, and most amazing colored/desirable corals, fish, and inverts that can be collected. Once we get them, we want to make sure each each animal is kept in optimal conditions and has potential to grow to be big and strong! We pride ourselves in the quality and health of our livestock. We understand all the animals have different needs and they are treated that way here. We culture a lot of our own coral including zoas,sps,softies and others, and we will keep expanding our selection. We are always bringing in new, different, exciting corals, fish, and inverts! We share most of our new arrivals on Chicago Reefs, so make sure to follow us for updates!

Different light/flow/conditions are given for different animals to ensure their health. Our setup consists of many seperate systems/conditions for many reasons. Keeping things quarantined is one. We use several methods/steps for our fish and corals. New incoming fish are kept seperated, and given preventative dips, and system is only medicated if showing any signs of illness. There is no one medication for everything and some parasites can stay dormant with hyposalinty. Keeping them at salt level of 1.020-1.021 our customers dont need a 4 hour or more acclimation. After a couple weeks, they are moved into a UV only system at regular salt level, where they are further observed. Once fish are moved large water change or 100% is done, and chemically filtered and ready for new fish. Corals also go through a quarantine process using different procedures. Everything incoming is dipped and observed, and corals moved from one system to another, they are dipped to make sure nothing is being spread around. The glass tanks allow us to closely view and see any potential concerns or ideas for better placement. We seem to learn something new almost every day and always see something different!

We stock a growing selection of drygoods, most items have proven to work for us. Most of our additives/dosing supplies are food grade and/or best quality we can find. We gladly will explain instructions and answer questions and give opinions on different products. Our pricing is very competitive and we want to know our customers are getting the best deal possible and all this locally! Ask to be signed up on our mailing list to be the first to be informed when new items arrive and when manufacturers have new releases or special sales/rebates. We have accounts with nearly all manufacturers, and can special order anything you need at a great price! We will soon begin shipping our products so stay tuned!

We do aquarium installs, service, and regular visits. Call us if you want it done right and see noticeable results! We have many long-term customers, and new ones regularly. We want to make sure you dont learn by costly mistakes. We've (almost) seen it all, and have the ideas to make things better. We also have access to all the hard-to-find fish/corals that will truely make it your show tank! We work hard to provide our customers the best!
Thanks for viewing and see you soon!