Ricordia Garden


New member
So I want to start a Ricordia garden on my 15 gallon rectangle.
Where do I start?
I have a kessil 350 led thats lighting it from my 57g rimless. (upgraded that to a radion)
Tanks is cycled, just didnt know what I wanted to do with it. Current home for 2 hermits crabs and 1 snail. Had a blue damselfish in there but he's now with the main tank. Has 3 pieces of LR in and bare bottom.
Would like to get stock from local sources that aren't way north in Chicago. I live in mid-Illinois.

Thoughts on ric garden? Limitations? I'll post pics when I can.
I had one going for a while. They look amazing but beware....like everything else in this hobby they can be very costly. Not many restrictions. Find the ones you like and organize them in your tank how you please. I know ReefWise gets a HUGE stock of em in once in a while.
i have the same led and my rics love it ..

i have a ric garden sorts thats in my biocube thread..

rics should be having as low of flow as possible and arrange them on the sand bed close to eachother ..

good luck
I think rics are are great thing to bring to a tank and they aren't all that pricey. I have a few and have had luck with them. Also another thing to get started is a zoa garden. Can't go wrong with softies in my opinion.
I think a ric garden would look great but $10 bucks on average per head that I see can get pricey, and the unique ones are more $. Would love to see a pic :)
so do i need substrate or can it be bare bottom? right now tank is cycled with 3 pieces of live rock and some hermits and snails, nothing on the bottom. I have sand but really didn't really want it in this one.
Perfect timing... There is a ricordia group buy going on .... In group buy section.... Nows your chance to buy a **** load .. cheaper than anywhere your going to find them..like $8 a peice