

New member
You know I really haven't had the luck in keeping ricordias. Alot of wasted money and always the same result so I stopped buying. With my new system I plan to make it happen once and for all and would like some help if anyone can pass along some do's and don'ts. Thanks!
Tagging along. I had the same issue with my last tank, seemed like I could grow anything but rics. Chem warfare, water too clean, missing something? I could never figure it out, but this tank I want them.
I am no means an expert but I have had luck keeping a few in my mixed aquarium.
The orange, blue and green Ricordea are located in medium flow and about 2/3 from the surface under t5 lighting. They receive direct lighting (not shaded). Water parameters are stable (cal: 430ppm, alk: ~8dkh, mag 1350 ppm, salinity 1.026, nitrates, trites, ammonia: all are undetectable) There is space between them and other corals and also positioned in an area where crabs and other inverts don't pester them. I have found they benefit from 2 x weekly feedings of dried coral food and targeted feedings of high quality frozen food such as mysis, rod's food, or similar.

Good luck!
you know I never fed them directly. Now Acans yes and have had good results. I dont recall having them within a danger zone from other corals but I will watch that for sure... thanks!