Ritteri Anemone


New member
I heard these can be difficult to keep. I have a high spot in my tank with great flow that seems ideal for a home. I was wondering if anyone has kept one? There seems to be an elusive attraction to this anemone. Do they have great color or form? I also heard they move like crazy and get into trouble. Thoughts?
the key is to get a nice healthy one, they do not ship well.
they will go where they want to be, usually they like the glass sides of the tank
colors vary from yellow to purple, they do get very large and have no problem taking down fish
Try the Rose Bubble. It's the easiest to take care of and clowns love them. I agree with Sho Tank, enemone's will go where they are most comfortable. If there is too much light or flow then off they go looking for that perfect spot. You should be able to find them for around $60 or more.