Rock Flower Nems in Nano Cube?


I was wondering is it ideal to keep flower nems in a 12 gallon nano? Have a couple of stores around me that have some killers flower nems and would like to get a few. Though i don't have the room to set up a larger tank say 30 gallons plus ATM. If i did put them in there how many can i put in and how long till i may run into a problem if it all? Wouldn't probably be adding any fish besides my lonely clown that's currently in the sump on my 40 breeder mixed reef. If anything went in there it would be inverts anemone crabs sexy shrimp. I did put like a cheap common flower nem in there seems to be doing fine it actually split whether that's do to stress or it thriving not sure honestly. Also any thing i should run on the tank to keep the nems happy such as GFO, Carbon, Bio pellets? The tank has been setup and running for 5-6 months with LR that was from the 40B sump and its bare bottom and has biological media forget who by.
I dont think flower nems are you sure you have a flower nem?
-That is what I was thinking.

Either way, I think a 12G Nano with sufficient light and moderate flow would be a fine place for a rock flower. Though, take what I say with a grain of salt, not an expert.
I agree 12g is perfectly fine for RFAs. They are one of the easiest anemones to keep. Of course make sure you actually have a rock flower anemone since different anemones are not compatible. For example, I wouldn't mix maxi mini with rock flower in a small tank.
I dont think flower nems are you sure you have a flower nem?

that's what i thought, but in the time i had it and the size of the new one would indicate to me a split because they are practically the same size.

The one i have i don't know if you guys have even seen them they are brown with like a green center and slightly green tentacles. See if i can get a picture on here not the best though i don't know if it's the lighting or the curve of the nano.........dirty glass lol. Best i could do to clear out the blue lighting.

- - - Updated - - -

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Just did some clean up of the tank. Scraped the front glass added like 4+ pounds of LR. Removed about 99% of the detritus and GSP in the tank. Added an Ultra RFA left a small frag of GSP and green fuzzy shrooms. Also bought Purigen ultimate filtration media read what is does hope it lives up to it. Searched on google and came a across a in depth review on it seems like it will last the life of the tank which is good and it's rechargeable. Plan on adding the Clown from my sump once i can find him a friend. Will also add some anemone friendly inverts down the road, probably when i get one of the nanos i have drilled. As far as parameters go no idea besides temp and SG. If anyone has any advice please share
1-lawn mower blenny
1-Awesome Pincushion Urchin
3-Rock Flower anemones
3-Astrea snails (one is a moving food supply for the blenny lol)
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I have 8 rock flower anenomes in my tank, they do not split and they do not move much at all. A few stay right next to.each other with out issue. They seem to be pretty hardy and I spot feed them once a week. A small that should have no problem housing a few of them.