Rocknem baby!


Active member
Well, it's not a split, and I only see 1...but I have a baby!

Horrible pic, it's only dime sized and this is a zoomed night pic,but you can see it is a lot like momma...maybe better! :)


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I am unfamiliar with rock nems? Do they split or do the reproduce?

just curious

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they look sweet by the way
Wikipedia says:
The reproductive cycle in this species has been observed to be prolonged (longer than annual or biannual), suggesting differences between the reproductive cycles of tropical sea anemones and those of cooler water anemones. P. crucifer can reproduce sexually, with the eggs developing into larvae inside the parent. P. crucifer is a dioecious species, having distinctly male and female individuals and large eggs.

I used to have 2 others in the tank, but sold them as they were collectively taking up more space in my tank than I wanted. The streaks showing on the baby make me think I've got a cross with this one
View attachment 21773

Wondering if there are more babies that I just haven't found/seen yet!
Just got back from out of town and took a couple of 'Orange filter' phone pics...they are kinda bright!

The baby is tiny, but hard to miss!

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I just noticed I have about a dozen little babies! Most look like they will be bright red, the others are so small I thought they were baby aptasia at first, but they are definitely Rock Nems! So cool!