Roilciuc back in business! 2nd tank


Well after selling everything off and getting married, I couldn't resist but get myself a new tank. So I got myself a 34 gallon Solana tank. I ordered some LED lights from ebay and built myself a stand. The stand isn't finished yet though. The doors need to go on and trimwork needs to be done to make it look nice, but with everything going on right now I haven't had the time. There is some live rock in the tank for now and it might be all I will put. After only 3 days with the LEDs on for about 12 hours a day I have brown algae haha. Anyway, nothing in the tank yet, but that will soon change. Still open for suggestions. What should I put in the tank?
Well the tank is finally stocked and running. Current fish stock is

Flame Angel
Fairy Wrasse
Banggai Cardinal x 2
Ruby Red Scooter Blenny

I do not know what corals I have in there as of now, but I will get a list ready and put that up as well. Picked up some very nice zoas and rics today!
looks great.

The one in the last photo looks like a branching Cyphastrea. The one in the 3rd photo might be a setosa, but would need a closer up photo.
looks great.

The one in the last photo looks like a branching Cyphastrea. The one in the 3rd photo might be a setosa, but would need a closer up photo.

Now that some time has passed I see that it isn't a branching Cyphastrea because it has just grown on the live rock in an encrusting growth pattern. You are right about the orange SPS being a Setosa though. Thanks
Now that some time has passed I see that it isn't a branching Cyphastrea because it has just grown on the live rock in an encrusting growth pattern. You are right about the orange SPS being a Setosa though. Thanks

I believe they have encrusting and branching types of it though. Kinda looks like meteor shower pic on my phone kimda blury though