F4tal Reefer
New member
To start I want to put out a huge thanks to maidia for the Birds of Paradise Frag and Monti frag he gave me. The Both are doing very well, the Monti has began to encrust to the glue spot on my back wall, and the Birds of Paradise has had some noticeable growth in just the 2 weeks I have had them in my system.
Well a little about me, my names Jon I'm 20 years old. I grew up with my grandpa having a 65 gallon tropical tank, and when my family bought his house we kept it going with just your common tetras, angel, pleco, ect. About 8 months ago I made the switch to planted tank, but I was always drawn to reef tanks. Always seeing beautiful tanks online, well in December my dad gave me a 14g biocube that he had but was using it for a FW planted tank but shut down to transplant it to a lager tank. So I switched out the bulbs and dove in to saltwater head first. Lots of reading and research while the tank cycled. I mainly was reading around nano-reef, but I've already caught the bug and was planning on going larger so I picked up a 30gal cube and moved everything over. About a month ago I was at my LFS and the one employ kept telling me I gotta get on ChicagoReefs so I came here and just scrolled around and that's when I seen Maidia's post about the Free Birds of Paradise frag, so I sent him a PM expecting not to get it for 2 reasons 1) the post was already a day or so old and 2) He wasn't about to give away something to someone who has like 1 post just joined and is seeming just looking for hand outs (not the case.)
Well that leads to here, I promised maidia I would 1 post pictures of my tank, and 2 after talking with him for 15 20 minutes I knew Chicago Reef was the reef forum for me. Well that was about 2 weeks ago and I apologies about the delay, but the 30 gallon I picked up had a leak in seam and instead of patch it and worry about it busting I just moved everything back to my biocube. Everything is 100% stock besides the usual rear chamber mods. I am planning out a 40g breeder build and have been extensively researching LEDs so I figured why not get a little practice in designing a fixture for my biocube since I want to derim it anyway. I'll be posting a separate thread about that later.
Well thats the end of my long winded intro time for a few crappy cell phone pictures (making the already crappy CF color even worse). I'll have to borrow my buddies nice camera sometime to get some good pictures.
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Well a little about me, my names Jon I'm 20 years old. I grew up with my grandpa having a 65 gallon tropical tank, and when my family bought his house we kept it going with just your common tetras, angel, pleco, ect. About 8 months ago I made the switch to planted tank, but I was always drawn to reef tanks. Always seeing beautiful tanks online, well in December my dad gave me a 14g biocube that he had but was using it for a FW planted tank but shut down to transplant it to a lager tank. So I switched out the bulbs and dove in to saltwater head first. Lots of reading and research while the tank cycled. I mainly was reading around nano-reef, but I've already caught the bug and was planning on going larger so I picked up a 30gal cube and moved everything over. About a month ago I was at my LFS and the one employ kept telling me I gotta get on ChicagoReefs so I came here and just scrolled around and that's when I seen Maidia's post about the Free Birds of Paradise frag, so I sent him a PM expecting not to get it for 2 reasons 1) the post was already a day or so old and 2) He wasn't about to give away something to someone who has like 1 post just joined and is seeming just looking for hand outs (not the case.)
Well that leads to here, I promised maidia I would 1 post pictures of my tank, and 2 after talking with him for 15 20 minutes I knew Chicago Reef was the reef forum for me. Well that was about 2 weeks ago and I apologies about the delay, but the 30 gallon I picked up had a leak in seam and instead of patch it and worry about it busting I just moved everything back to my biocube. Everything is 100% stock besides the usual rear chamber mods. I am planning out a 40g breeder build and have been extensively researching LEDs so I figured why not get a little practice in designing a fixture for my biocube since I want to derim it anyway. I'll be posting a separate thread about that later.
Well thats the end of my long winded intro time for a few crappy cell phone pictures (making the already crappy CF color even worse). I'll have to borrow my buddies nice camera sometime to get some good pictures.
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