
I work at a lfs in joliet and I was wondering if i could post fish i have for sale occasionally. Im not trying to use the forum as free advertising. I just have a couple high priced fish that i am having a hard time getting homes for.
If it is a problem i completly understand just wanted to ask before i posted anything
What pet store is it? I drive out there every other weekend. Would be nice to know what other lfs are in that are too.

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I always consider such a thread in the eyes of the sponsors who do pay for advertising. How would I view a thread/post if I was in their shoes and paid for the privledge?

[MENTION=3143]douglasc815[/MENTION] You've already mentioned the store in a previous thread, Puppy in the Window. Let's leave this thread end with a reply listing the species of the couple fish you currently have, without mention of their pricing. Going forward shoot me a message before posting any threads/replies you want to use for the store.
[MENTION=1277]jrpark22000[/MENTION] i metioned the store in a previous post because someone was stating his problems with LFS and how he would like them to act. I didnt feel like i was out of place mentioning the store there.
I do understand that sponsors pay for their privelage to advertise here.

I will only post one fish and i will leave it at that until i can convince the owner of the store to pay for a sponsorship here. Wich i dont think will be a problem once we get our store moved and settled in.

As for the fish i am trying to home ... it is a 7 to 8 inch Male Crosshatch Trigger. He is out growing the 65 gallon tank i have him in. (Biggest tank i
If anyone would be interested i have him at a really discounted price. I have pictures but cant seem to upload them here for aome reason so PM me and i will send you pics.