Sad Day...


New member
Found my Copperband butterfly dead in his tank today. Had him 4 years. His bluespot puffer friend looks sad... :Cry:
Sorry to hear that. 4 yrs is pretty good for a copperband. I've never been able to keep a copperband alive long myself.
any signs of a struggle?
homicide, suicide, natural causes?

very sad for the loss, copperbands are great fish though many do not live long in tanks.
I think my success with this fish is due to the fact that I feed vitamin-packed live blackwoms. It's all he would eat. The fact that the puffer is fine, tells me there is nothing wrong with the tank or the food. He was fine, eating, happily swimming with his pufferfriend yesterday. Laying on his side, dead this morning. :(
Ours just up and died one day too. Very weird how these fish do that.

In my opinion, until we as hobbyists learn why they up and die like that in captivity, maybe we should stop trying to keep them.

I have tried with 2 and I am done. No idea why they die, and as much as I love the way they look, I have to consider whats right for the animal.

Very sorry for your loss Jeni, its a hard thing to deal with when you don't know why.
Ours just up and died one day too. Very weird how these fish do that.

In my opinion, until we as hobbyists learn why they up and die like that in captivity, maybe we should stop trying to keep them.

I have tried with 2 and I am done. No idea why they die, and as much as I love the way they look, I have to consider whats right for the animal.

Very sorry for your loss Jeni, its a hard thing to deal with when you don't know why.

Jake, I could not have said it any better myself.

Sorry for your loss Jeni.
Ours just up and died one day too. Very weird how these fish do that.

In my opinion, until we as hobbyists learn why they up and die like that in captivity, maybe we should stop trying to keep them.

I have tried with 2 and I am done. No idea why they die, and as much as I love the way they look, I have to consider whats right for the animal.

Very sorry for your loss Jeni, its a hard thing to deal with when you don't know why.

I agree with you to a point. I researched the cb butterfly when i was thinking on how to stock my tank, but decided i didn't want to deal with a fish that are difficult to keep.

but on the other hand, as soon as its in a pet shops tank, you can considered it DOA to almost anyone else that buys it. And if you are willing to make the minor extra sacrifices maybe you can keep it going for 4 strong years like jeni did. i be to any average joe to by that same fish before she did it would have had half the lifespan.

The stores won't every stop stocking difficult to keep livestock as long as it sells. and many will gladly take the profit from the sale rather then not selling to an inexperienced fish keeper.

finding difficult to keep livestock at a LFS is a double edged sword, you know its hard to keep but you also know the next guy who buys it will probably kill it faster then you will. :ohwell:
Hey, if we don't kill it, the baracuda in the ocean will. Circle of life in my aquarium, when I have something die, as long as I don't think its from possible disease, I feed it to my carpet anemone.
Jeni, I think you did a great job keeping the copper band healthy for 4 yrs. I doubt those fishes live that long in the ocean anyway, probably get eaten by something bigger, or pobably copper bands just don't have a long life span. I wonder if they are prone to having a heart attack, kidney problem, or something, as they can be fine one day, and dead the next day.