Safely removing large feather dusters?


New member
Just curious if anyone has experience with safely removing soft tube feather duster worms from rocks they have already grafted onto. I would like to remove two very large ones (3"+ across) from my rocks because they are in the way of a couple good spots for some new frags to be placed. I do not want to damage/destroy them in the process or I would have just ripped them out. They would look great in our new softy/mixed reef tank along with a couple other smaller feather dusters and a coco worm that will be moved into in soon.
the only way i have removed them from rock is to take the rock out and break it so you don't rip the tube

Bringing this back up. Unfortunately, removing the rock is out of the question, I was hoping there would be a humane method without destroying my rock scape. Anyone else have experience with this?
I do,use an ice pick to slowly chip away rock from the tube.Works great on larger tube dusters,not the small ones.
Ohhhhhhhh,Wow ok how about trying a scalpel?I removed one a few years back and tore the tube,but had enough of the tube to re-grow itself.