Sanding and buffing acrylic?


New member
just bought my shallow 150 i started sanding it with 1000 and 2000 grit followed by novus 3 didnt come out as i expected so far any tips?

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When I bought my used acrylic tank. I soaked it in vinegar and water to get rid of the coralline.
then I sanded with #400, #600, #1000, #2000
Then Novis 3, 2, 1,
Its important to remove All scratches from the previous grit paper, or the scratches will never disappear. I recommend sanding in one direction with the 400, then clean up all the residue before going to the 600. Then sand in one direction perpendicular to the direction of the previous grit. When all the scratches from the previous grit are gone. Clean, then repeat the process with the next grit. and so on till you are done. Cleaning between grits is important because if you get say a piece of #400 in while you're sanding #600, it will scratch the tank.
Its not an easy process, but do it right and your tank will look brand new.
you can see before and after pictures of my tank here

Good Luck and Happy Sanding,
Lol ya it takes alot of work the hardest part was gettig the appropriate grits of sand paper. Some of the scratches i couldnt get out were less then 400 grit finding below that in wet dry sand paper was a mission

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