Saving the Sun


New member
**** things been through hell and back, took me 3 days to get it eating again, today is the 1st day since i had it, it actually looked a little happy.

3 pics, each a 3-4 days apart



You need to keep on feeding them or they will slowly fade on you. That last picture definitely gives alot of hope.
I had great success with these but got tired of the constant attention they needed. I would take them out of my tank for feeding and put them in a tupperware container. I'd drop the food in there and they would open up. Every few minutes I would blast the water with the turkey baster so the food would swirl around and give the polyps a chance to catche more food. They would be full an hour later when I would place them back in the tank. But eventually I got tired of it and sold them.
so this little guy is pretty much trained to open if he wants to get fed! but i notice the skeleton he was on was growing bubble algae and a small apastia, so i decided to cut him out, he looked pretty bad for a few hours, honestly thought i killed it. but hes back and open all day long. Should I glue it to a rock or just leave as it?

Mine all open up about 20-30 minutes after I feed the fish (frozen brine shrimp). When they're open I use one of the long eyedropper things and spot feed and guard so the fish don't take their food! Really cool corals. Mine has finally started to multiply. It has like ten new little heads forming!