scarface zoas not doing good :(


Well-known member
i recenttly got a 2 polyp scarface zoa frag from one of the fellow reefers

it looked good in his tank, and i left it in the sand bed for 2 or 3 days and it completely opened up, now i moved the zoa frag a little up like 4 days back and it started closing occassionally opening up..

went out on a vacation and came back this evening to find it all crumpled and pale and thin...

rest of the zoas are all doing wonderfully fine .. but this one is like withering away :( i moved it back on to the sand bed..

anyideas as to why ?
umm chances of it recovering ?

the polyp has become too small and the stalk became too thin :(
ill get a pic if i can
I had some zoas like that too. I had great luck by dipping them everyday for about 5-10 minutes in revive until they start to look better. I had a zoa that opened the first week when I got and then stayed closed for almost 2 months now. It just started to open up a couple days ago and it was in the process of melting. I started dipping it in revive about a week and half ago and its looking better now. I say move it back to where it was doing good and try dipping it everyday to see if that helps.
i moved them to a better spot but looks like they are slowly dying :(

all my other corals are doing fine ..:(
Zoas melt sometimes. Sorry for your loss. Dipping before acclimation and starting them on a frag rack helps. When polyps start to melt hermits often finish em off.
I had same problems with you. My scarface small colony melt when i raise it up close to light.
I think scarface need less flow and light than other zoos