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I'm heading a study at my school based on reef conservation, and i'm in the process of setting up our system. The main "viewing" tank is a 29G tall 30" tank. I'm looking to put a 30" 346 Watt odyssea metal halide lighting system on and the sump will be out on the side with red mangroves and hopefully several long spine urchins. the study is based on Florida species, but other endangered/threatened species may be used depending on permits and availability. I'm asking anyone here if they can help with supplies, anything just laying around not being used, lighting similar to the above, skimmers, reactors, LS/LR, salt, RO/DI (i'm pretty sure we have a DI filter for our chem labs so we don't need any more of that). Just about anything will help and once the system is set up livestock donations will be accepted depending on specimen (reef safe only). The total system gallonage will be right around 75-85 gallons. Any and all contributions are extreamly helpful!! Thanks in advance!