Scoly vs. Trach questions


I think I would like to add one of these to my tank, but I am unsure of te primary differences in care and requirements. I know Scolys are more costly which may be a result of the difficulty of their harvest, but I am wondering if there are any other specific concerns of which I should be aware. Which one gets bigger when fully extended (relative to closed size) and what light/flow requirements do they have? Even a good resource for my own etification would be greatly apreciated. Thanks!
Trachs get much much bigger than scolys and will take up more room. They both have the same care/placement requirements. At the bottom of your tank and they will do fine. Scolys offer much brighter and more beautiful patterns IMO. Trachs also have very long sweeper tenticles at night (scolys don't). I have seen them in our stock tanks extend 6-8" just on a little specimen. My vote would be for a scoly over a trach any day, and they are just dang cool to watch eat! :)
Scolys are very easy to take care of.. only downside to them is that they are very expensive.. but i thnk sho has two at a great price..

They should be kept on the sand bed and with low light and low flow..

They are def my 3rd favorite coral :)
We also have several beautiful specimens of scolys and trachs at the moment... and $25 off this Saturday with your AMEX ;)

This one is my favorite!

How bout comparison of a wellso as well? Sweepers? Placement is the same, size: larger than scolys for sure -I have an ultra that is prob 3in in diameter right now.
My carpet lobo is in touching distance of my carpet nem (haddoni) and the lobo puts the nem in its place. They have been neighbors for nearly a year now and both doing just fine. So yes I agree, lobos are tough sob's....
How bout comparison of a wellso as well? Sweepers? Placement is the same, size: larger than scolys for sure -I have an ultra that is prob 3in in diameter right now.

Wellso are trachs. Wellso is just a trade name. I think it's Trachyphyllia radiata.
How bout comparison of a wellso as well? Sweepers? Placement is the same, size: larger than scolys for sure -I have an ultra that is prob 3in in diameter right now.

Wait, are you in the market for ma wellso?! Sweet! Threadjackin the Herbs...muahahahaha