Sea Hare not eating hair algae..


New member
I thought these guys went crazy over green hair algae!? I purchased a nice size sea hare almost two weeks ago to help clean up the green hair algae I can't get to. Its been super active and always seems to be looking for food. Thing is, it wont touch my hair algae. It simply just glides right over it! I often find it at the top of my waterline zooming around the tank. Are these guys picky eaters? He was chomping down on a chunk of dried seaweed when I purchased him.
Most sea slugs in general are very particular, very picky eaters (like down to one species of food, and nothing else). I don't have any experience with a sea hare though, although they're adorable. Have you seen it actually eat anything? If its just cruising, it may be starving :( Good luck with him though!
I've seen several different kinds of sea hares, and only one ate hair algae for me in the past. It was dull grey-brown, had hairlike projections all over it's body (similar to a tasseled filefish), and had a flattened rear end. The smaller, smooth ones I bought once, never ate my hair algae. Can you post a pic? I'd see if you can trade him in for a different one. My good one was a huge eater of hair algae, even bryopsis.