seahorse help

coral guy

New member
Do any of you care for northern erectus seahorse babies because my have spawned a number of times and the longest i've kept them is 5 days.
I would skip the rotifers, and feed brine that is enriched with Dans Feed. You can purchase it at With my southern erectus, I would feed two day old brine, enriched with Dan's feed for 24 hours, and changing the water every 12 hours and re-enriching.

Left over brine should be removed. Feeding 5 times a day is best, IMO. Keep the tanks clean. Siphon waste off the bottom as often as you can.
I would skip the rotifers, and feed brine that is enriched with Dans Feed. You can purchase it at With my southern erectus, I would feed two day old brine, enriched with Dan's feed for 24 hours, and changing the water every 12 hours and re-enriching.

Left over brine should be removed. Feeding 5 times a day is best, IMO. Keep the tanks clean. Siphon waste off the bottom as often as you can.

+1. Also, what kind of tank do you have set up for the fry? Nutrition is no doubt very important, but enviornment can be a big factor as well. Try not to get discouraged! It's tough at first but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.