Short Tentacle Goniopora Care


New member
Hello...I'm looking for any care tips for short tentacle gonioporas. I've had lots of success with red and green long tentacle gonioporas. I just purchased a browned-out short tentacle goniopora, and I'm trying to get it to color up. Right now it is in medium flow, half-way up the tank. I've had it there for 3 weeks with no change.

Any ideas?
Only experience I have is with an ORA Red Goniopora. My Goni tends to like being in the sandbed, with moderate flow. I have it directly in front of my torch and it opens up fully.
Are the ORA gonioporas short tentacle or long? I keep my long tentacles on the sandbed but I read somewhere that the short tentacles prefer high light.
Just like The long tentacls they required to be feed and with some medium to high lighting if possible but I wouldn't put it high up in the tank I would keep it middle to low.... As we the well in that type of condition. They do need to be feed... I would try a bottle od Gornipower by Two Little Fishes so far my Gornis look great