Should your skimmer run all day and night???


New member
Heard different takes on this one!! I still havent been truly sold on either concept..
All my powerheads skimmer and main pump run all the time.. should I continue this way or is there a better method???
All thoughts welcome:confused:
I don't see the benefit running a skimmer part time... I ran mine 27/7 (unless feeding and cleaning). If you are looking to save some electricity it is better to run your return pump at night (lights out) when your corals open up to feed. Powerhead should be ran 24/7 to ensure enough circulation. Just my opinion and have read.
I think alot depends on the size of the tank and the types of corals being kept.
On my 29 gal. I would run the skimmer 3-4 days a week.
I always turn everything off when feeeding.
On my 125, I have been running this tank without a skimmer for about a year now(not that I am recomending this)
I am sure you will get many different opinions
are you just doing WC? Running a refugium with mangroves helps get all the bad stuff out. You are correct on it depends on the type of tank.... my buddy wanted to go all natural and went with mangroves for years, the tank did okay but not flourishing. After a long debate and research he finally gave in and got his tank is more stable and healthier corals.
are you just doing WC? Running a refugium with mangroves helps get all the bad stuff out. You are correct on it depends on the type of tank.... my buddy wanted to go all natural and went with mangroves for years, the tank did okay but not flourishing. After a long debate and research he finally gave in and got his tank is more stable and healthier corals.

Yes,water changes and nothing else,except live rock of course.
I do have a skimmer but I have yet to set anything up as far as a sump goes.
Truthfully,my tank has really flourished. I had a chalice grow about 3" or so in the last few months.
I just looked at my Duncans,and there are 4 new heads popping up.
My small Acans both have 2 new heads on them.

For some reason Zoas are not something I have had good luck with.
Truthfully,I was talking with my neighbor last night who also has a reef tank,and told him I don't even remember the last time I did any water tests.
He actually called me because some of his corals look crappy and wanted to know if I would foster them to see if the do any better in my tank.
I am in no way saying this method should be used or works for everyone,but so far for me it has worked out rather well.
I also have a couple of NPS and my tank gets fed daily.
Nitrates,I have no idea what they are
Yes,water changes and nothing else,except live rock of course.
I do have a skimmer but I have yet to set anything up as far as a sump goes.
Truthfully,my tank has really flourished. I had a chalice grow about 3" or so in the last few months.
I just looked at my Duncans,and there are 4 new heads popping up.
My small Acans both have 2 new heads on them.

For some reason Zoas are not something I have had good luck with.
Truthfully,I was talking with my neighbor last night who also has a reef tank,and told him I don't even remember the last time I did any water tests.
He actually called me because some of his corals look crappy and wanted to know if I would foster them to see if the do any better in my tank.
I am in no way saying this method should be used or works for everyone,but so far for me it has worked out rather well.
I also have a couple of NPS and my tank gets fed daily.
Nitrates,I have no idea what they are

I understand....certain things works great for one but not others. When I first switched over from Fresh to salt, I used tap water and everyone said i was crazy but had great growth and extensions. Now that I moved since then.. I have to run a rodi. I guess the pipes and water source has changed for me.
I had the same luck as you for a longtime..2yr no water change..Had water tested at aquatica just to be curious and didnt say anything and the guy came to me and said lower my calcium.. I told him then and he recomended i do one quick.. I never did and all was fine..
I guess the reason I am asking rthis is not to save elec but get more bank on the supplements???
I have downsized my tank and I do water changes now -kinda scared of the lower volume water in the system.. I still use all the equipt from my large tank and i have a 6in skimmer.. Kinda worried about stripping the water if it runs all the time..
Protein skimmers are a great way to remove nutrients, but they aren't "scrubbing" your water like you're thinking. the stuff it's getting rid of is constantly recreated by organic life.

the research i did, the skimmer is really just re-creating what waves do on the reef, and push up all the protein on the beaches. They are important, but not really necessary if you do water changes religiously.

of course, i guarantee my cyano problem is fixed with a protein skimmer and RO unit, but thats another discussion :P
I agree with everyone all depends on each individual system, bio-load, etc. I used to run mines only at night as an experiment, but saw no difference vs it running it all day. It's solely up to the reefer. This would be one of those never ending debates. :)
I never did a study on them but i was always lead to believe they run 24/7 because the waste it removes doesn't take naps @ night so it shouldn't either.
Every tank has its own personality. Its what works best for your tank.
I have a few tanks with the same corals and have found different corals excel under different conditions. In my systems I do very well with no skimmers but If I were doing something different I would run one like crazy.