Shroomz light or..?


Started 6 rics together, they were in the tank about a month. All good. Added 3 more a week ago. Last 2-3 days the majority started this stretch, first I've seen it. Thought they usually lay flat? Light schedule was changed, around 2 hours less, intensity wasn't changed at all. I bumped up the intensity this evening but didn't fix anything. Water parameters are no different.
Overcrowded now, new adds weren't a smart idea, or just a light thing? I'm only like 4-5 months in the hobby so don't hang me.
Sorry for the pic, old cell phone. I fit the commercial were every kid is chief and the damn phone works fine, why replace it.

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Shrooms look happy! Don't play much with the light too much, if they shrink up ,then maybe it's too much light,
Oh yes, I've seen growth and babies. Even in the short time I've had them. They'll be pissed off soon as they are getting a new tank.
It's just that the stretch surprised me. I wasn't expecting it and did not think it was shroomz normal.

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Shrooms are typically very easy coral, they may be splitting as they stretch. I wouldn’t worry to much unless the shrink and stay small for over a few days. I’ve had shrooms in all types of light and flow and they stay strong, but they are lower light and low to med flow coral if that helps.