Sick of Stupid Fish


New member
I am so sick of buying suicidal fish. We started out with 2 clowns and a 6 line wrasse. One wedged himself head first into the protein skimmer intake---subsequently offing himself. So I went and bought a new clown and while I was there I bought a Diadema basslet. All is well for a few months and then bam bam the wrasse disappears and then not long after the Diadema basslet disappears. Cleaning around the tank the other day we found to body of the wrasse on the floor, by the diadema is still M.I.A. Now we are down to 2 stupid boring clowns and have no clue what to get. Everything we get kills itself. We even had a fire cleaner shrimp abandon ship.


Sorry!! Must be hard to keep losing fish and not cheap also :mad2: All the fish that died are from the same store?'s kinda funny but sad, because my fish seem to do the same thing. I just figured I'd stick to corals, since they won't jump out on me. Sorry to hear about you losing all your fish.
ive had my run of unfortunate events as well ive even had a chocolate tang jump into over flow and get suction to drain best way i can describe it is drink a caprison and when all juice is gone keep trying to get more keep on keepin on good luck
@Lil BamBam--- No, they were bought at different places. Sadly, 2 of the ones that died were my favorites.

I guess you will have to make your tank fish safe as EricTheRed explained ^^ with screens. Also make sure your skimmer pump has a cover to avoid fish getting sucked up and getting :stickyman:
I would say the clown fish are making bets with your other fish and having them jump so they are not taking up space in there tank lol. I have had alot of suicide fish myself and always seems to be the fav when they do. I just started a fowlf tank that i think might get turned into another big reef tank soon because fish i have 50/50 luck with it seems!
Yea I would put screen tops and cover places were they might get into as well. I had to do it on my 90 due to two of my favorite fish jumping as well. I hate to see when stuff like that happens. I'd rather go the extra mile and make it safe.
How big is your tank? I think your clowns are taking over your tank and harassing other fish,causing them to jump.Also wrasses and basslets are known jumpers,if you want to keep them invest in a cover screen.
I too have had issues with fish (clowns) getting sucked into things -I've learned to cover EVERYTHING and leave no options for fish-icide.

Oh and thx for the link to my thread regarding screening :)
Every single wrasse I've ever owned has committed suicide, even with a wood canopy 7 screening across the back. I don't buy them anymore.
If you have a properly built mesh screen top there is NO way that a fish can jump out of your tank.

Any pumps in your tank should have some sort of screen/grate over the intake to prevent fish, and more importantly small shelled creatures, from entering the pump. They will ruin it.
We have a new skimmer that has a strainer over the intake. I have no clue how to make a screen top and all the ones I have found would not let enough light through.