Sick zoas? Or something eating em?


New member




Sorry for bad pics, taken w iPhone
As long as they don't have a brown film growing on them. They should b ok. Just give them time.. Where they open before? Anything agitating them? Fish or crabs?
It's not that their closed, if u look closely, u can see that they look like they been torn in half

you have a flame angel in your tank dont you ?? may be ........

also if they are bambams, bambams dont like too much lighting ASAIK..see if the the new polyps are forming towards the light or away from the light, that should give an idea..
Make a frag and put them somewhere else in tank. I'd give em a dip. 90% its pest.

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I'm glad u found the culprit. My emerald will destroy a plug of zoas if they have a little algae on em. Gl watch those zoas go into growth overdrive.

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