Six Line Wrasse Color Faded and Splotchy


Hi all I have a single Six Line wrasse pretty small in size. Before today had uniform color. Now it is really faded and splotchy on 1 side and a little splotchy and faded on the other. it is swimming like it always does and eating like a pig as always. Any ideas on what caused this? I've had it for a month now. Think it is sick? injured? anything you would do to help it out?


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Sixline's are a hardy species, how do your other fish look? Due to their hardy nature I'd be looking at the nasty fish disease first to rule them out as obvious canidates as low hanging fruit on the diagnosis tree. Sorry I'm not more help.
Sixline's are a hardy species, how do your other fish look? Due to their hardy nature I'd be looking at the nasty fish disease first to rule them out as obvious canidates as low hanging fruit on the diagnosis tree. Sorry I'm not more help.

The clowns and goby look perfect. This morning the six line looks the same and acting fine too. Hope its just an injury from swimming through rocks. Surprisingly I found nothing on the internet about this situation at all. Whats the nasty fish disease?