Skimmer issues **Video inside** any ideas?


New member
So it's an EShopps PSK-75H with an Atman 1100 pump on it (factory).

I took it apart to give a vinegar bath like 2 months ago and after re-assembling it the thing like won't prime.

I checked all the lines, no obstructions. The air line backed up with water once I shut the pump off which seems wrong, I dunno. Anyway, any ideas appreciated. I feel air sucking on the air line, but it just wont start sucking water.

Impeller seems to be working fine, I inspected everything and it all seems in working order.
you need to prime the pump.....few easy steps
turn off pump
suck on air tube from venturi
skimmer should fill with water to the drain level
place finger over venturi tube(no air)
turn pump on
once flowing water only, take finger off air tube