Skimmer usage and managing nutrients -- anybody run their skimmer on a schedule?


New member
I am trying to recalibrate my system after adding a DIY ATS and pond matrix, Seachem matrix, and Schem PhosGuard to my system. For a few weeks, my corals were looking happier than ever. Then suddenly I started seeing bleaching with my Oregon tort, red monti cap, and green stylo. Strangely, my euphililia were suddenly super happy.

I came to the conclusion after some tests that my nutrients were too low and ALK was too high. So now I am running with my skimmer offline most of the day and only running it a few hours during the day. I also dialed back on the lighting.

Anybody else run their skimmer on a schedule and would night skimming or day skimming be better? When I was having the tissue loss, I noticed most of it happened at night.

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Wow its amazing you have any nutrients in your reef. Ats,protein skimmer and man made chemicals. Yikes... I made a diy ats for my 210 gallon display and 125 gallon sump and that is the only means of filtration besides a filter sock on the other drain line.
Generally speaking I never turn off my skimmer because of the aeration benefits it provides.

I use Pond Matrix and found it was slow to "begin working" but once it is began it supports more anaerobic activity than you you may want to consider removing 'some' of it instead.
I had the same issue. Actually the bio media has been shelved. I have a large skimmer and large fuges and started to see side effects of nutrients too low about a month after adding the bio block. Right now I am at the overfeeding stage to try and correct what I have done.