Smith11's Return! New 8 Gallon JBJ Rimless Cube!!


New member
Hey everybody, Im backkkk! Still in iowa for school but still keeping reef tanks, Right now i have a 90 gallon goldy tank, 2 gallon pico reef, 5.5 gallon shrimp tank, and NEW 8 GALLON jbj rimless that im exceptionally excited about!

Ive been wanting to buy this exact tank for like 2 years now and got a great deal on this one! Currently its pretty empty aside from a large dead colony of porites and a little chunk of monti that i tossed in there for fun.

The tank is cycling right now as i filled it up yesterday night, the 16 watt wavepoint light is just temporary till i settle on a good light for sps/mixed reef. Heres some pics! Oh btw pretty sure im going bb for the sps on this one,

I have a bunch of really mature ceramic in the back to kickstart the cycle, added some mysis shrimp for ammonia source.

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Full tank shot!
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sounds like you've got your hands full with all those tanks. What's going in this one?

This one is going to be a mixed reef, the 5.5 is coming down soon and the pico is going to either be turned into a mini frag tank or taken down. Maybe ill put a nem in it or big frogspawn dunno yet!

Anyways i want this to be SPS dominated with a ton of zoas/palys around the lower level and a few lps here and there. Fish wise not too sure yet
Hey thought id throw in an update of the cube, its looking pretty good right now.



Whenever i do waterchanges(weekly) i scrub the back walls algae off and it makes the tank reaalll foggy. The feather along with a few of the other inhabitants gobble that up i, it draws it into its tube and the next day the tube will be like 1/4 inch longer.