Snails keep dying.


Premium member
I'm getting a lil frustrated and this is mind boggling...three times over the last three weeks now I've bought a cuc package, and each time, the snails seem to become paralyzed immediately and eventually die. I've spent approx $150 bucks on snails and crabs lately and only a few reef hermit crabs are surviving. I don't understand because my fish are doing very well and happy, my corals are fully open, including great polyp extension from the sps' corals. No nitrates, nitrates, 78° temp, undetectable phos, 400 cal and 8 alk, 1.025 salinity. I also don't feel any current in the tank and have unplugged everything for a few hrs to make sure. So I'm really confused on what's going on with my tank that's killing all inverts. The only thing I can think of is my mag being high from me dosing Kent M magnesium, but I've stopped now...the mag just tested at 2430 ppm.
Thanks Chad, it's ironic that you posted that link, because I just googled my issue and stumbled across that link as well. Thanks again. I've been doing multiple water changes lately and I'm about to do another one in about 5 hopefully I can get the mag level down soon.
my sanils die when there is not the right alge for them to eat I was loosing tons... do you have food for them (alge)
Oh yeah, there's algae in there. I was just fighting a massive algae bloom from the invert die there's a good amount of algae left for them to eat.
yea prolly
I was loosing tons of snail... then I asked a marine biologist and he said .. they don't live very long.. also they starve very easy ... so I waited till I got a good amount of alge) not the light skim type .. and they all live longer now
Wow, your Mg levels are crazy high, I was worried when mine hit 1500! Good luck getting your Mg back to the "normal" range, hopefully you can keep inverts again soon!
Thanks guys...yeah, I've been doing 5 gal water changes every 2-3 days trying to lower it. My corals are loving the multiple water changes tho. I believe that mag is the hardest/takes the longest to deplete/remove out of all the elements.
I just checked my mag, and so far it's come down. Yesterday's reading was 2430 ppm, and today's reading is 2220. So I'm down 210 ppm after 24 hours and a water change.