So I got a Mandarin today...

New member
Backstory: I have trying to organically eradicate my growing flatworm problem. Siphoning everyday was keeping their #'s in check. Then I went away for a week and my wife was not up for anything more involved than feedings and top-offs. Their population has since tripled.

I got a Target Mandarin today and he's already started chowing on them. My concern is if he can keep up with the flatworms and possibly take them all out, I need to plan for another food source.

Has anyone here successfully got them to accept frozen? I have a 29 gallon BC and am wondering if I should make a refugium from the middle chamber.

Thanks everyone!
I guess just start throwing a pinch of frozen stuff in there (mysis) and hopefully he starts to eat it, before his food source runs out. You really don't know with those guys.
only had luck with green ones and rods food only never pelets or any ther food hit or miss on them tho might have a hard time since it has natural food source
They are probably my favorite fish, But I also have never had any luck with them. Good luck with yours.
I had a Spotted Manadarin and it was eating Rods right out of my Hand... Hopefully over time his will take a liking to prepared foods
it will not clear up your flatworms. They may snack on a few but never take them all out. IMO the best way to get rid of them is first manually get as many out as you can while taking out water, use a narrow tube to such them up. Than use flatworm exit at double the recomeded dose. In 24 hours if you still see any add one more dose. leave another 24 hours. Than start to slowly use carbon and all to pull out the flatwork exit.

I did this before on large systems packed with every delicate animals and tons of acros and never had an issue.