Some new pic's

very nice ...clear pics nit to mention color looks spot on . good job mind sharing what you used to shoot these beauties . easily top 5 nicest photos ive seen here
Thanks guys Im still learning the camera and took a few pic's today and thought I'd share I took them with a 5100 Nikon and a Nikon 105 macro My lighting was full power leds, I need to go back and check my settings because I was playing with every thing (iso, shutter speed, F stop) Im still not sure what settings I used yet, LOL
One thing I did notice is I was able to take better pic's with lights (leds) at full power, At least untill I get use to setting white balance to other light settings
Nice shots, a quality macro lens makes a ton of difference. I love my macro filter but it's just not the same. I wish I used my camera for something other than just my fish tank so I could justify the cost of the extra lens.
I do notice prime lenses take better pic's then zoom, With any kind of pic's you take. family or corals. Even my 50mm took great pic.s
Awesome pics!!
What are these called from 1st set of pics
Third pic from top I think it's a chalice
Third pic from bottom 2 polyp zoas brown skirt w orange yellow in center ?
Those are sweet