OceanBlueAquatics Premium Sponsor May 23, 2016 #1 Here is just some of our fish. Come check us out, new fish every week! Everything from clean up crews to rays. Dry goods, frozen foods , RO water and many new things to come like Phytoplankton and live foods.
Here is just some of our fish. Come check us out, new fish every week! Everything from clean up crews to rays. Dry goods, frozen foods , RO water and many new things to come like Phytoplankton and live foods.
Sawdonkey Premium member May 23, 2016 #2 That's a cool looking cleaner Wrasse. What is the other wrasse?
OceanBlueAquatics Premium Sponsor May 24, 2016 #3 Yes it is, haven't seen them much before. Have one left. The other is a Coris wrasse.
BigKev23 Active member May 24, 2016 #4 Love the Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasses... it's a shame that they are so difficult to keep.