sponsor s with liverock or dry rock specials


New member
Lookin for cheap rock and was wondering if any sponsors near Northbrook have any deals. Also does reefcleaners.org have black Friday deals
I can tell you if you went with macro rocks you won't be disappointed remember in this hobby when you cut corners you hare yourself later down the road
The stuff from Marco Rocks is top notch. The rock that Dave at Aquapros is selling is also very nice for $2/lb.
remember in this hobby when you cut corners you hare yourself later down the road

So my homemade reef salt is probably not a good idea? lol

I know Dave / AP did have some special pricing for LR over the weekend. Check and see if he extended the rock sale.
I love marco rock! Might I recommend using dry rock to avoid any nuisance hitchhikers (crabs, algae, ich, etc.).

Marco Rocks is having a generous sale at the moment. If you'd like to hand-pick your own rock, Total Pets Plus in Zion or New Fish in Bucktown can assist you.